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清乾隆 祭藍釉蒜頭瓶 Of baluster form, the body covered on the exterior with an even, deep cobalt-blue glaze stopping neatly above the splayed foot, the garlic head shaped mouth rim and base glazed white. Bottom bears six characters "QIANLONG" mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 10 3/4 in (27.3 cm) Diameter: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm) 瓶口若蒜頭,長頸,溜肩,垂圓腹,圈足,通體施外壁施深藍釉。瓶內、底部白釉,內書“大清乾隆年製”篆書款。禦窯瓷器素以秀美端莊見長,本品最稱俊雅秀逸。其線條柔美起伏,盡見迤邐之姿。霽藍釉燒製工藝繼承元代傳統,至清代生產歷朝未斷,且製作精細,常見造型是宮廷祭器及陳設用瓷。