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大清乾隆年製款 孔雀藍釉雙耳蓋罐 The jar is of baluster form with waisted vase, globular body, and flaring rim, body depicts scrolling flowers, vines, and key-fret patterns, with similar motif on the lid, two ring shaped handles on the sides, and a bead finial on top, bottom bears six character QIANLONG mark. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) Diameter: 7 1/4 in (18.4 cm) 此品帶蓋,唇口,短頸,球形腹,腹兩側飾環形耳,高圈足,足底陰刻“大清乾隆年製”六字三行篆書款。器身以上古青銅器紋樣裝飾,古雅端莊。整器線條優美婉約,造型別致柔麗,體態輕巧,雋逸俊秀。修胎完美,胎白質細,通體孔雀藍釉,釉面勻淨光澤,釉汁肥腴,釉質細膩,與玉質之瑩潤如脂殊無二致,光華內蘊,臻於純美,展現了極為高超的製作技巧。發色深沉典雅,極見勻淨雅靚之致,深為其輕逸媚人之風韻所折服。孔雀藍隨器身曲線起伏而濃淡有致,增強了韻律感,富於變化。