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潘恩牧 (1756-?)山水 Ink and color on paper, framed. The painting depicts landscape scenery consists of mountains, river, trees, clouds, and people, artist colophon, signature and mark Pan Enmu on the top right. Length: 69 in (175.3 cm) Width: 18 in (45.7 cm) 款識:戊戌初夏,樵侶潘思牧。 | 鈐印:潘思牧(白)、髯翁(朱) 、茂松清泉(朱) 潘思牧(1756-?)字一樵,一作樵侶,丹徒(今江蘇鎮江)人,與恭壽同族。山水遠宗黃公望,近法董其昌,筆沈著而墨罨潤,畫品不在恭壽下。道光八年(一八三八)年八十三尚作山水扇。亦工寫真,有松溪五友圖,今藏上海朵雲軒。[墨林今話、墨香居畫識、清畫家詩史、名人書畫扇集