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和田白玉雕白菜 The carving depicts a cabbage in naturalistic fashion, with curled leaves, slanted shape, long and thin roots, and an insect mounted on one of the folding leaf, the jade is of alluring smooth white color tone with slight translucency, complete with wooden stand. Length: 9 in (22.9 cm) Width: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) 白菜與草蟲的題材自唐代開始已出現於各類詩畫中,一直以來是受民間歡迎的吉祥題材。寓意有二:一是白菜象徵女子清白,而菜葉上的昆蟲通常為螽斯及蝗蟲,意為「多子多孫」;二則取自諧音,寓意百財聚來,左右逢源。工匠將自己的藝術涵養融入白玉,結合白玉本身的潤澤及紋路,將白菜葉刻畫得栩栩如生,渾然天成,實屬藏家不可錯過的精妙收藏品。