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仿哥窯雙耳三足香爐 The Ge-Type ware censer is of compressed form, stands on three short pointed feet, two bridge shaped handle raised on the rim, glazed overall in ceramic white color tone with crackle patterns, the feet remain unglazed. Height: 1 9/10 in (4.8 cm) Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) 此件沖天耳爐仿哥窯而製,直頸上端正俏立兩沖天耳,腹部圓鼓,三足嬌小。造型古樸典雅,形體莊重,敦實憨厚,圓渾秀美。通體素面無飾,施仿哥釉,胎骨較厚,釉色滋潤如玉。縱橫交織,開片深淺不一,古拙而不失俊美。哥釉是宋代著名窯場,宋代哥窯一直備受後世青睞,元明清仿製者頗多。香爐釉色瑩潤,極富凝重古樸之感,深得宋器神韻。