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晚清 鎏金五供一套 The set includes five gilt bronze ritual garnitures, including two Gu shaped vases, two candle holders, and one tripod censer, each covered in delicate and detailed patterns, including flowers and vines, key-fret, lappet leaves, and flowers within roundels, the censer stands on three beast legs extending from beast masks, two L shaped handles raises high from the side, complete with openwork lobed cover and dragon bead finial, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Late Qing Dynasty period. Largest Height: 16 1/2 in (41.9 cm) Smallest Height: 15 in (38.1 cm) Largest Width: 11 in (27.9 cm) Smallest Width: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 五供是供奉或祭祀用器,包括香爐一隻,蠟燭台一對燭和花觚一對,清代歷朝皆有製作,乾隆朝最為流行。此拍品為掐絲琺瑯五供一套,造型飽滿圓潤,美觀大方,較為少見。印有“大清乾隆年製”。