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清或民國 四面佛銅像 The bronze Buddha with the four-face, eight-arms seated on a single lotus throne, with hand gestures of charity, teaching, and meditation, wearing a robe with flowing ribbons and hems with engraved decorations, six character mark cast on the back of the base. Qing or Republic period Height: 26 in (66.0 cm) Length: 24 in (61.0 cm) Width: 11 1/2 in (29.2 cm) 四面佛是華人地區民間對梵天的俗稱,"梵天"在佛教中亦稱造書天、婆羅賀摩天、淨天。原是印度教、婆羅門教三大主神之一的梵天,是創造宇宙之神,梵文字母的創製者。在東南亞,特別是泰國被認為是法力無邊,掌握人間榮華富貴之神;其四面分別朝向東南西北,供信眾祈福。由於外形近似中國佛像,中文譯名多為四面佛,但事實上四面佛不是佛,所以準確而言應譯為四面神。