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紅珊瑚雕龍蝦擺件 The carving carved from natural coral, depicts a scene of a lobster swimming against ocean currents, with intricate details on the shell, legs, and head. The coral is of light red and white color. Signs of repair on the lobster's antenna. Height: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm) 此珊瑚蝦,連體紅潤,生命頑強,雕工精緻靈活。本來蝦寓意就有,遇事圓滿順暢、節節高升、官運亨通,好運連連、鴻運當頭,財源滾滾、財運將至、八方進財。所以備受喜愛,這樣雕工精緻的珊瑚蝦很是稀有,所以具有很高的收藏價值。