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漢 青玉瑞獸紋玉璧 The jade disc is of flattened form, the surface carved with archaic and scrolling mythical beast patterns, including dragons, birds, fish, chilong, and more, the jade is of greyish-white color tone with translucency and slight russet. Han Dynasty period Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm) 漢代玉璧沿襲了戰國的風格而又略有變化。玉質仍以白、青、碧玉為主。此件漢代玉璧變以青玉,沁色優美,光滑的玉璧上浮雕出三隻瑞獸爬行與璧上。整體造型規整,具有神秘感。