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白玉蟾蜍圓雕 The jade carved figure depicts a mythical toad, with four legs on the ground ready to jump, eyes and mouth wide open, body incised with intricate patterns, the jade is of celadon-white color tone with slight russet and translucency. Height: 1 in (2.5 cm) Length: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Width: 2 in (5.1 cm) 圓雕蟾蜍,呈蹲伏狀。蟾蜍雙目凸起,炯炯有神。四肢及肌理雕琢寫實逼真,很好地捕捉了蟾蜍且爬行且蹲伏的特殊而典型的動作瞬間。傳說中蟾蜍能口吐金錢,是旺財之物。古有劉海計收金蟾以成仙,後來民間便流傳“劉海戲金蟾,步步釣金錢”的傳說。