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漢 青玉蟬 The jade carved ornament is in the shape of a flattened cicada, with sharp angled wings, eyes, and body, the jade is of celadon color with russet. Han Dynasty period Length: 2 2/5 in (6.1 cm) Width: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) 漢蟬的雕工簡單明快,寥寥數刀就將蟬的形狀刻畫出來,十分生動,稱為"漢八刀"。古人對蟬的評價很高,認為蟬出之於地底而高聲,幼蟲醜陋成蟲高潔,正好可以代表讓故人得到新生,故在喪葬器中採用雕蟬的形狀來充塞口部。