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瑪瑙人物駕馬紋鼻煙壺 The agate snuff bottle is of flattened ovoid form, body carved with a horse carriage galloping beneath flying bird, the stone is of orange-red color tone with translucency, includes deep red gem stone stopper. Height: 3 1/10 in (7.9 cm) Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) 鼻煙壺正面雕刻的是一輛疾馳的馬車,一位駕馬車的車夫,和坐于後面的先生,馬上方飛翔著一隻老鷹。壺身後面無任何雕刻。此款鼻煙壺是黃褐色瑪瑙製作的,壺身透亮瑩潤,雕工自然細緻,值得收藏把玩。