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毛允昇(宋) 蘆雁竹石圖 Ink on silk, framed. The round painting depicts two ducks searching for food near bamboo grove and stones, artist signature and mark Mao Yunsheng. Diameter: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) 毛允昇(宋) 蘆雁竹石圖 |水墨紙本 團扇鏡心 |題識:毛允昇 鑒藏印:廣堪齋畢氏藏(朱文) |說明:毛允升,生平不詳,江蘇昆山人。益之子,能世家學,景定年間中畫院待詔,工花鳥。 |收藏者:畢瀧(清·乾嘉),字澗飛,號竹癡,江蘇鎮洋(今江蘇太倉)人。趙溶婿,秋帆製府畢沅之胞弟。工畫山水及竹石,蒼渾而秀,深得曹雲西(知白)法,又工書,喜收藏名賢書畫。遇翰墨精粹,不惜重價購藏,故多宋、元、明人珍品。