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清康熙藍地青花開光壽字瓶 The monochrome large vase glazed overall in blue color tone, body written with two large Shou characters, decorated with dragon in medallion at the center, bottom bears six character CHENGHUA reign mark. Height: 10 5/8 in (27.0 cm) 此瓶盤口,長頸,折肩長腹,至底微內收,圈足。造型雄健挺拔,為清代康熙時期流行的瓶式,俗稱“棒槌瓶”。白釉白中微閃青,青花鮮麗明快、濃淡相宜、層次分明,為康熙“藍分五色”的典型色澤。整體此瓶之灑藍釉,或受宣德年間之雪花藍釉啟發,藝匠以竹管蘸藍,吹於器表,深淺斑駁,白點彷如雪花飄落,隱於湛藍之中。除純罩灑藍釉外,外壁繪壽字內開光魚海獅紋,全器紋飾吉祥,為清代典型的祝壽用器,底書“大清康熙年製”楷書款。此類紋飾於康熙時應用較多,後世少有。底書“大清康熙年製” 雙圈青花楷書官窯款。