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清早期青花折枝花卉葫蘆瓶 The blue and white vase is of double gourd form, painted on the exterior with flowers and vines, bottom partially glazed. Height: 7 5/8 in (19.4 cm) 呈葫蘆狀,此葫蘆瓶形製擬取瑞果天然葫蘆之造型,通體青花裝飾,因其諧音“福祿”,具有“祝福”的含意為人們所喜愛,造型雅俗共賞,歷代盛燒不衰,遂成為傳統器形。此件清康熙青花子孫萬代葫蘆瓶,造型端莊,小直口,束腰,雙球腹,平底,釉面潔白,質地勻淨,釉質肥厚,瑩潤如玉。