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乾隆 青花釉裡紅山水燈籠瓶 The blue and white underglazed vase is of tall baluster form, body depicts riverside scenery with mountains, river, village, and people, small hairline on the rim. Height: 18 in (45.7 cm) Diameter: 9 in (22.9 cm) 所繪主題多以各式吉祥圖案為主,甚而達到“圖必有意,意必吉祥”之地步,故如此瓶以青花繪大幅風景圖於其上者,誠然卓爾不群,獨樹一幟,在眾多華麗禦器中,格外引人注目。瓶作燈籠形,外腹環飾山水人物風景圖,若長卷延展,主峰突兀,諸多山巒起伏迭嶂,雲霧繚繞,亭臺樓閣掩映其間,湖水微波蕩漾,小舟輕泛,好一幅如詩如歌之畫卷。設計精妙,製作規整,俊逸之中不失禦瓷規範,不愧巔峰時期之禦窯佳器。