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清 雍正青花賞瓶 The large blue and white vase is of baluster form, body painted with flower blossom amidst intertwined leafy tendrils and flowers, scrolling triangular patterns at rim and foot. Height: 15 in (38.1 cm) Diameter: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) 盤口,束頸,圓折肩,弧腹漸收,圈足。通身以青花裝飾纏枝菊花紋,頸部足部紋飾上下相對,其青花明亮鮮豔,所繪纏枝紋飾自然流暢,點塗筆法嫺熟,胎釉研煉極精。瓷質之潤,釉色之晶瑩,歷數百載而常新。