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清道光 青花雙鳳盤一對 The pair of plates depict two flying phoenix amidst clouds in the center roundel, the rim edge with ring pattern, the exterior with similar phoenix motif, and bottom bears six character DAOGUANG mark. Height: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm) Diameter: 6 3/4 in (17.1 cm) 整器造型沉穩典雅,端莊周正。盤身器表以青花描繪鳳鳥造型,其中內壁中部雙線攥框,開光作圓,中心繪一對鳳凰呈對稱之姿,雙翼舒展,羽毛狹長,尾翼形態略有不同。鳳凰周身兩側祥雲朵朵,縹緲而至,呈現一派祥瑞氣氛。盤身外壁複作鳳凰形象,二者頭頸前伸尾翼隨風舒卷,飄灑美麗。盤底作篆書“大清道光年製”款,題款清秀工整,對稱齊致,頗見功力。