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明成化鬥彩雞紋天子罐 The Doucai jar is of globular form, painted with chicken in garden setting on the exterior, between ocean wave band and ruyi band, includes en-suite cover, bottom with one character mark. Height: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 蓋頂微隆,短頸豐肩,下腹微收,淺窄圈足,通體施釉,圈足露胎,釉麵肥潤光潔,胎質輕薄堅細。釉下青料素雅沉穩,釉上色彩豔麗,填彩準確,圖案精美。實為不可多得的成化鬥彩佳器。