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?清雍正 胭脂釉橄欖瓶? The vase is of ovoid form similar to olive, the exterior in monochrome pink glaze, bottom bears six character YONGZHENG reign mark. Height: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) Diameter: 3 in (7.6 cm) 胭脂水釉橄欖尊,線條挺拔秀美,收放中自帶彈性,韻律非常,釉色精良瑩潤,色澤嬌媚妍麗,令人歎為觀止,胭脂水釉又稱“紅金”,只有在釉水中潺入純金才會發色明豔,如若黃金比例不足,則會黯然失色,略微泛紫,平常紅金釉色多為小品,業已難得,此件已是其中大器,是為雍正朝單色釉瓷器典範之作。底書“大清雍正年製”六字三行青花篆書款。