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宋 仿汝葫蘆壺 The Ru-type ewer is of double gourd form, body glazed in light teal color tone, with vine-like handle on the body and smaller double gourd form spout at the lower section, bottom bears three character mark. Height: 8 1/4 in (21.0 cm) Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) 此壺最亮美閃光點有二:一是造型精巧,比例勻稱。尤其是壺柄,捏塑成藤枝,附在壺的上腹部,重在神似,借形傳神更加突出葫蘆情趣。二是釉水仿汝釉,,似透非透,溫潤含蓄,其質地色澤與真實的成熟的葫蘆頗為相像。借其名字諧音“福祿”,寓意生活富貴幸福。同時,壺的整體成葫蘆狀,形態靈動輕盈且充滿自然情趣。如此玲瓏秀巧的瓷品,實屬珍稀,可遇而不可求。底書暗刻“宋仁宗”三字楷書款。