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清道光 粉青釉蘋果尊 Of apple shape, the small jar glazed overall in celadon, with short neck concaved slightly into the body and flared rim, bottom bears six character DAOGUANG mark. Includes wooden stand. Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Diameter: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) 蘋果尊為文房用具。陳瀏《陶雅》有:“蘋果尊於蘋果綠之外,又有天青、釉裡紅兩種,皆珍玩也”,有縮頸和無頸兩種,無頸的以釉裡紅為多,縮頸的以蘋果綠和天藍釉為常見。此尊小口、短頸縮於肩下,圓肩、鼓腹,小底內凹,其造型酷似蘋果。通體施粉青釉,如冰似玉,胎質柔潤,釉色含蓄。外底書“大清道光年製”六字三行青花篆文款。此尊胎白質細,粉青釉發色清透明快,整器線條流暢自然,繪製工細,為乾隆青釉瓷品中的佳作。此種器形創燒自康熙朝,為單色釉中名品。