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清乾隆白釉海水福壽水洗 The white glazed washer is of compressed uneven-lobed form, depicts ruyi clouds, flying bats, and ocean waves on the exterior and interior, symbolizing longevity and auspiciousness. Height: 1 in (2.5 cm) Length: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) Width: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) 洗造型中膛掏空,海水蝙蝠相連,形態飽滿,搭配和諧美觀,頗具有藝術感染力。造型構思巧妙,生動自然。通體施乳白色釉,釉質肥厚飽滿,釉面滋潤光澤。好之而後摹,摹古之風興盛,禦窯仿古瓷器亦佳作迭出。乾隆皇帝具有獨特的審美成就,摹造宋器往往仿古卻不囿于古,既保留經典元素,又另見新意,此珍罕福壽洗正是承古融新的竭力之作。