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明或更早 龍泉鬲式爐 The Longquan ware censer stands on three short bulbous legs, the Ge-type design with three raised stubs on the body, waisted neck, and everted rim, glazed in celadon. Height: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) Diameter: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 爐扳口寬折沿,短粗頸扁腹下收,底微下凹,腹下承三素面足,通體施青釉,釉色青中帶綠,足底露灰白色胎,微顯火石紅。口沿,肩上弦紋及腿脊部分突起,有出筋現象,為宋龍泉梅子青之佳品。整體造形端正渾厚,曲線流暢,釉面純淨柔和,置於案間,做焚香之用,煙縷安詳,值得珍藏。