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Chinese Gilt Lacquer Wood Weituo Reliquary, Ming
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月17日 开拍
A Chinese gilt and lacquered wood reliquary of Weituo, also known as Skanda, dating from the Ming dynasty. He stands on a red, cloud-form pedestal with a dragon. He wears armor and makes the gesture of subduing evil with his left hand, where he may have originally held a sword. Dimensions are: 31 inches tall X 20 inches long X 14 inches wide, 78.7 cm X 50.8 cm X 35.6 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: The reliquary is in severely poor condition with damage including significant breakage, loss, repairs, and general age wear. The top of his headpiece is missing, and the back panel of the reliquary is missing. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: The lot comes with a copy of provenance documentation. From a collector in Atlanta, Georgia. She and her late husband owned a department store in Atlanta, and they were world travelers. Most of the items in their collection were acquired by them from the 1940s to the 1970s. Notes: Because of Weituo's merit in protecting the Buddha when he entered Nirvana, he is regarded as the Buddhist Dharma protector and is often enshrined behind Maitreya Buddha in temples. The image has been stereotyped since the Song Dynasty.This statue depicts Weituo standing with the palm of his left hand down and his right hand placed on the hip. His face is square, characteristic of sculptures from the Ming Dynasty, and it is gentle and serene, showing the majesty and moving charm of the heart. Beneath his armor, helmeted Weituo is dressed in gold chainmail lined with robes. The armor covering the belly is decorated with animal face carvings. He stands on a dense platform of clouds, on the front of which a dragon's tail and head is exposed. The statue is powerful and strong, and the face shows a look of compassion. This characteristic well reflects the fact that Venerable Weituo is not only the protector of the Dharma, but also embodies characteristics of the Buddha's nature.The deep red lacquer and the shiny gold applique coating the statue complement each other well. Although the surface gilt has peeled away over the centuries, it does not affect the statue's overall majestic atmosphere. 韋陀因釋迦牟尼在入涅時,護佛有功,被視為佛教護法神,常被供奉於寺廟彌勒佛身後。形象自宋以後開始定型。 此尊韋陀采用站姿,左手手掌向下,右手撐腰,面部方腴,彎眉細目,面容溫和端詳,顯示出內心的威嚴和動人心魄的魅力。身著金縷鎖子甲,內襯長袍。韋陀全身負甲胄,頭帶盔,盔甲表面布滿雕工,一刀一刻皆考究非凡。夾片的密集和堅硬,,足下戰靴真實的還原了物件的質地。腹部飾獸面雕工毫不懈怠,彰顯著韋馱護法的孔武和威儀。韋馱站立在雲崖上,雲端露出一截麒麟尾,其眉目微閉,開相俊朗如赤子,卻不失縱橫馳騁的豪氣。明代黃成《髹飾錄》所謂的「罩金髹」工藝技法,在底胎生漆地上,黏貼金箔後,再罩加透明漆,赤金兩色相互變化,胄甲紋理刻劃細致入微,尤其面部特征,十分傳神。造像身形威武剛健,而面部呈現慈悲為懷的神情。這一特點,很好的體現了韋陀尊者即是護法神將,又是佛陀本性的特征,正所謂「韋陀天將菩提身,慈悲安護伽藍門」。木胎金漆作品本身因各類問題,極易受損,然本件作品歷經多年歲月洗禮,流傳至今,雖表面金漆有所剝落,但絲毫不影響其本身威嚴的氣息,在同種類作品中也屬上乘,實為不可多得之精品。 The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City houses a similar example of this statue under accession number 47.74. A similar statue was previously sold at Sotheby's New York on March 15, 2017, as lot 541. 參閱大都會博物館館藏明漆金木雕韋馱像,編號47.74(fig. 1)。另見紐約蘇富比拍賣,2017年3月,編號0541。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-2-2022


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拍品估价:5,000 - 8,000 美元 起拍价格:5,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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