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Chinese Bronze Sea Monsters Censer, Qianlong
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月17日 开拍
A Chinese bronze censer with an 8-character mark and dating from the Qianlong dynasty. The bronze lid features an elephant with lotuses and auspicious symbols among ruyi clouds and bats. The censer has a pair of dragon handles, while the body sits atop 3 feet and depicts 6 mythical sea beasts gamboling among shells and waves. Dimensions are: 12 1/2 inches tall X 12 1/2 inches in diameter, 31.75 cm X 31.75 cm, 10072 grams. All measurements are approximate. Condition: One small repair to the interior. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From a private Boston, Massachusetts collection. Notes: This exquisite bronze censer is composed of two parts: a pierced lid and a sophisticated body. The dome of the lid is covered in a swirling pattern of auspicious clouds, which connects to a broad brim inscribed with curling lotus patterns and intertwined branches. Unexpectedly, atop the blanket of clouds lies a sleeping elephant, upon which is a lotus laden with offerings. Below the lid, the shoulder of the censer is carved with a regular petal pattern. The whole body is carved with mystical beasts frolicking amid the surging waves of the ocean. The auspicious clouds of the lid and the roiling seawater of the body reflect each other's movement, connecting the parts of this censer into a unified whole. Two large dragons perch on either side of the censer's opening, their curving bodies forming sturdy handles. Every element of this piece is beautifully cast, and after casting, they are meticulously chiseled and polished, so that the decoration is delicate while maintaining thickness and strength of the bronze. The bottom is engraved with an eight-character seal script mark reading, "Made under the supervision of Lutang in the Xuande reign of the Ming Dynasty."Despite the claim of its mark, this piece is a product of the palace workshops during the Qianlong period. It is of extraordinary craftsmanship, not least because of its massive size. But perhaps the most beauty can be observed from this object in use: while incense is burning inside of its belly, the smoke that rises through the reticulated cover will resemble the clouds decorating its top. It will be as though the clouds themselves have taken form, and the censer has come to life. Such is the completeness of the art of the Qianlong period. 此器由蓋和爐身兩部分組成,口沿琢規矩的卷草紋。鼎蓋做鏤空祥雲紋,蓋緣陰刻纏枝蓮紋,頂置臥象,背駝蓮花。器身整雕海水瑞獸紋,水上浪花湧動,海水中瑞獸穿插,圖案層次分明,透視感極強,營造出一種神聖而雄渾的場景。蓋頂祥雲與爐身的海水相互輝映,雲水相接,更有寶象蓮花置於蓋頂,兩邊各盤踞一螭龍作雙耳,細節之中呈現出天下盛世,太平有象之美好寓意。此爐之鈕、耳、蓋、身均為鑄造成型,鑄好後又精心鏨刻打磨,以致紋飾細膩、包漿肥厚自然。底部刻有「大明宣德呂堂監制」八字篆書刻款。 這件作品工藝非凡,粗中見細,器型碩大,必為乾隆時期的宮廷產物。是想若其腹中焚香,裊裊炊煙自祥雲之中冉冉升起,竟是一番美景上心頭,此爐集欣賞與實用為一體,實在不可多得之宮廷精品,有緣之人必得而惜之。 Similar, smaller censers can be found in the British Museum under accession number 1996,1008.1, as well as in the Palace Museum in Beijing under accession numbers 00178176 and 00142778. A similar sea monster censer was sold at Christie's New York on March 22, 2012, as lot 1538. 參閱大英博物館館藏,編號1996,1008.1;北京故宮博物院館藏,編號故00178176(fig. 1),及館藏編號故00142778(fig. 2)。另見佳士得紐約,2012年03月紐約拍賣,拍品編號1538。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-2-2022


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拍品估价:32,000 - 40,000 美元 起拍价格:22,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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