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Gold and Silver Inlaid Tapir, Late Ming/Early Qing
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月17日 开拍
A Chinese gilt bronze tapir statue with silver inlay dating from the late Ming to the early Qing dynasty. It comes with a wooden stand. The tapir has a flaring, square-form vase opening on its back. The whole statue is decorated with stylized elements including ruyi-form designs on its chest and back, geometric patterns around the vase, and swirls around the legs. Dimensions are: 10 5/8 inches tall X 11 1/4 inches long X 5 inches wide, 27 cm X 28.6 cm X 12.7 cm. Weight: 4470 grams. All measurements are approximate. Condition: The vase has been glued on. Age appropriate wear. There are areas of loss to the wooden stand. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: Purchased from Christie's New York on February 13, 2018, as lot 108. Originally from the collection of Los Angeles-based antiques dealer JF Chen. Notes: Historically, tapirs were known as mystical creatures capable of eating impossible materials like iron and copper, but also human nightmares, leaving sweet dreams in their wake. For these reasons, they were considered to be divine beasts. They became a common subject of Chinese works of art, particularly bronze vessels with archaistic stylings.The nose of this bronze tapir is curved, and the pointed ears are trumpet-shaped and erect. The top of the head has a pair of gold embellishments that appear to elongate the snout and accentuate its dignified gaze. Its four, thick legs are decorated with circular reliefs and gold and silver patterns, emphasizing the tapir's incredible musculature and power. On its broad back, the tapir supports a tapered, square zun mouth adorned with geometric ornaments.Bronze wares like this tapir were not readily available to ordinary nobles during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. This statue's weight in bronze, as well as its abundance of gold and silver accents, belies its Imperial origins. Its ornamentation and the advanced technology used to cast this piece closely resemble those of similar Imperial bronze animals of the period, which can be found in the collections of the Palace Museum in Taipei and the Royal Ontario Museum. Such examples are, however, rare, and given this tapir's high level of preservation, it is a fine product worthy of any collection. 據史料記載,我國早在上古時代人們就對貘很熟悉,並把它看成是一種神獸,《山海經》中說,此獸能食鐵與銅,所以又稱為食鐵獸。它還能為人們吃掉噩夢,留下美夢,還人以安寧之眠。唐代大詩人白居易曾寫下一篇《貘屏讚》,稱:「貘著,象鼻犀目,牛尾虎足,生於南方山谷中。寢其毗辟瘟。圖其形辟邪。予舊病頭風,每寢息,常以小屏衛其首。」 此貘鼻子彎曲,尖耳朵呈喇叭狀,向上翻起,頭頂部有一對錯金對角,眼珠以黃金填充,霸氣十足,頸部有一圈凸起,鑲以金銀小圓點,具有明代典型特征,四足關節處以圓形浮雕加以措金銀紋飾,粗壯有力,使整件器物漂亮非凡,並配以乳釘狀回紋硬木座。貘背上馱以方形尊口,尊口為撇口,以三層尊器連接下部貘身,配以金銀紋飾,整體充斥著明末清初青銅器的典型特征。青銅器在當時絕非普通貴族所能擁有,此尊以青銅鑄造,並且整體錯金銀,工藝繁瑣考究,氣勢非凡,包漿完美,定是為當時宮廷所鑄造。可參閱故宮博物院藏品錯金銀鳥尊,以及國立博物館銅嵌金銀天雞尊。這兩件作品均為當時宮廷精品,與本件作品在鑄造工藝及紋飾等方面都有異曲同工之妙。此件作品流傳至今,保存的如此完美實屬不易,同類作品存世稀少,不可多得,是一件值得收藏的精品。Similar gilt and silver bronze animal vessels are currently housed in institutions like the Palace Museum in Beijing under accession number 00094189, in the National Palace Museum in Taipei under accession number 002533N000000000, and in the British Museum under accession number 1891,0617.12. Similar examples have recently been sold by various auction houses, including by Christie's London on May 14, 2018, as lot 77 and by Sotheby's Hong Kong on April 8, 2013, as lot 171. 參閱北京故宮博物院館藏明 錯金銀鳥尊,編號新00094189(fig. 1);台北國立故宮博物館館藏清 銅嵌金銀天雞尊,編號故銅002533N000000000(fig.2);大英博物館館藏,編號1891,0617.12 (fig.3)。另見佳士得倫敦拍賣2018年05月,明 銅錯金銀天雞尊,拍品編號077;蘇富比香港拍賣2014年04月,明 銅貼金銀獸形帶蓋犧尊,拍品編號171。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-2-2022


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拍品估价:100,000 - 150,000 美元 起拍价格:65,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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