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Chinese Yellow-Glazed Porcelain Vase, Yongzheng
弗吉尼亚 北京时间
2022年03月16日 开拍
A Chinese yellow-glazed porcelain vase with a 6-character mark of Yongzheng and of the period. The body has four squared handles, and the foot has two square cut-outs. The interior and bottom of the vase are glazed white. Dimensions are: 5 1/4 inches tall X 4 inches wide from handle to handle X 3 1/2 inches wide without the handles, 13.3 cm X 10.2 cm X 8.9 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: It is in good condition with firing cracks to the handles and foot. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From Mrs. Sullivan in Dallas, Texas. It is a family heirloom. The lot comes with an appraisal from 2000. Notes: The overall shape of this rare jar resembles a fish; from its flat ring foot, the body expands into a round barrel shape which terminates abruptly at its wide mouth with no neck. The surface of the whole vessel is covered with a translucent yellow glaze that pools around the edges of the porcelain and nearly seems to glow. Such an effect is a rare feat of craftsmanship, and it is only natural that this is a product of the Imperial kiln of the Yongzheng period. There are four square strap-like handles on the left and right sides of the jar, as well as square holes on the left and right sides of the foot. These handles are meant to mimic ancient jars made in the same shape and give the piece an archaistic appeal to its royal Qing Dynasty audience.The yellow glaze of the Qing Dynasty was the best, and the one with the highest artistic level was the Yongzheng Dynasty. The number of yellow-glazed porcelains made during the Yongzheng period is very small, making this piece even more valuable and precious. Just like the glaze of this piece, its shape is also quite special. At present, there are fewer than six pieces of strap handle jars in the world, and all of them were produced by the Yongzheng Imperial Kiln Factory. In addition to those in the Forbidden City, there is also one in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in the United States and one in the Stockholm Museum in Sweden. 穿帶罐始燒於戰漢時期,至唐代時先後出現了以魚型為題材的四系穿帶罐,宋代時這種式樣開始流行於北方的少數民族地區,金代以後消失。清朝雍正時期,覆古之風盛行,於是四系穿帶罐再一次登上歷史舞台。穿帶罐目前在全世界僅存不足六件,且全為雍正禦窯廠生產的產品,除兩岸故宮分別持有外,美國波士頓博物館和瑞典斯德哥爾摩博物館也各收藏有一件。 本件作品頸肩部直連瓶腹,瓶左右兩側各有四個方形穿帶口,底部為圈足,圈足左右兩側各有方型孔洞,應是仿造古陶器穿繩系帶之用。全器表面施黃釉,清幽寧靜,光潔明亮;瓶底中央為青花篆書「大清雍正年制」六字三行篆書款。這件雍正款黃釉穿帶罐制作工整,釉色端正,應為雍正時期宮廷制作的典型代表作。 清代黃釉燒制最好,藝術水平最高的當屬雍正一朝。雍正時期黃釉瓷器數量傳世極少,上不及康熙,下不如乾隆,但恰好正是因為如此,雍正時期的黃釉作品才更難能可貴,彌足珍貴。正如本件雍正本朝款黃釉四系穿帶罐,本身器型相當特殊,身帶四系耳,圈足有穿帶口,又是青花篆書款,釉色焦黃均勻,存世稀少,典型中帶有突破,是為雍正官窯器中的珍稀隗寶,是文人藏家都趨之若鶩的收藏精品。 Examples of vases with similar shapes, but glazed blue, can be found in the Palace Museum in Beijing under accession numbers 00148821 and 00148822. 參閱北京故宮博物院館藏,編號故00148821(fig. 1),冬青釉穿帶耳小蓋罐,及編號故00148822(fig. 2),雍正款冬青釉穿帶蓋罐。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Works-of-Art-1-2022


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拍品估价:3,000 - 5,000 美元 起拍价格:3,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
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电话: 1 (703) 291-1010
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