Chinese Art A rare blue and white porcelain armorial dish decorated with the Ginori Family coat of arms China, Qing dynasty, Kangxi mark and period, late 17th century
Chinese Art. A rare blue and white porcelain armorial dish decorated with the Ginori Family coat of arms China, Qing dynasty, Kangxi mark and period, late 17th century . Resting on a disc, the interior delicately painted in underglaze blue with a double band containing floral and vegetal motifs that prelude the central circle with the Ginori family coat of arms: a shield with three stars surmounted by a helmet without a crown. Kangxi leaf mark within double circle on the base. The dish is part of a set commissioned by the noble Florentine family and reported in documentary sources as ""Nagasaki set"", a name that was probably associated with it by reconstructing the path that the porcelain, commissioned to the factories of Jingdezhen, made to reach Europe through Portuguese trades. which usually stopped by in Nagasaki and Imari and then left for Goa, hence Europe. As a matter of fact, from Ginori documentation we learn that: ... an unspecified number of cases (perhaps 6) and the payment for the expenses incurred by the ""friends of Goa"" will be made on 16 May 1701 (Lucini-Perotto in, Il servito Ginori, uno studio ed unesposizione, Perotto, Milano, 1988, p.24). Corbellier (China trade porcelain, patterns of exchange. New York, 1974) reconstructs the history of ""armorial"" pottery produced in China for noble European families, in the period between 1690 and 1710. Among these there is a set with decoration very similar to that of Ginori, but with the blazon of the Coelho family. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the commission of armorial pottery was recurrent among the noble families of the time and that there was a figurative repertoire to some extent shared. A plate of the same service, with a decorative variant, but always bearing the Ginori coat of arms is at the MET in New York Acc. 62.188 and published in CORBEILLER, FRELINGHUYSEN, Chinese Export Porcelain, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bullettin, 2003, Volume LX , Number3, cat. 16, p. 19 Another was sold by Christies, lot 219 in 2003 A third was sold by Bonhams, Lot 21 in 2004 Finally, recently, a dish was at Wannenes, lot 21, Asian Art auction, 2 December 2021. . Cm 32,60 x 7,00.Dimensions:Cm 32,60 x 7,00
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