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Polychrome enameled white porcelain yuhuchunping form vase depicting the story of Lin Xiangru -
法国 北京时间
2022年02月25日 开拍

Polychrome enameled white porcelain yuhuchunping form vase depicting the story of Lin Xiangru - - 藺相如 reconciling with Lian Po - 廉颇, China, 20th centurySimply
clothed and carrying a bramble on his back, Lian Po kneels before Lin Xiangru, who extends his hands. These two important figures of the "Qin Kingdom" period are accompanied by an assistant wearing a double gourd on his belt and a bodyguard. On the back of the vase, on the right, a vertical three-character inscription 将相和-"Reconciliation" (literally: "conducting reconciliation with harmony"), and then five columns of two characters 負刑来請罪廉頗服相和which could be translated as "Lian Po pleads guilty and reconciles". Bears the Yongzheng yuzhi mark-雍正御製with four characters in blue on glaze within a double square at the base.
Height: 22.5 cm

Lin Xiangru became famous in all the kingdoms of China. He was appointed chief minister of Zhao. Many people envied the success of such a young man, including the former general Lian Po, one of the most experienced commanders of the time. He was so jealous that he swore enmity to Lin. When Lin heard the news, he decided that the best way to settle the matter would be to avoid any confrontation with Lian. He made it a habit to sit on the other side of the royal assembly so as not to show off his superior rank, he avoided meeting Lian whenever he could; one day he even took his vehicle down a side alley so that it would not block Lian Po's path and force the old general to give way to him. Many people, including Lian Po, interpreted this attitude as a sign of weakness, convinced that Lin, more of a scholar than a warrior, was too timid to fight. But when Lin was asked why he behaved in such a servile and timid manner, he asked, "Who is more dangerous, the King of Qin or Lian Po? His interlocutors answered "The King of Qin, of course". Then Lin said, "You know that I was not afraid of the King of Qin in his own court, why should I be afraid of Lian Po? I am in charge of the government of our country and Lian is in charge of the security. If the Qin see that we are fighting among ourselves, they will certainly attack us without delay. The quarrel between Lian Po and me is personal; I cannot allow a private matter to destroy our kingdom!". When this answer was reported to Lian Po, all his hatred turned to shame, because he recognized that Lin was behaving more nobly. He decided to apologize to her. Tying brambles (used in those days as a discipline) to his bare back, he walked from his house to Lin Xiangru's house to beg for forgiveness. Lin Xiangru forgave him and from then on they became good friends.


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竞价区间 加价幅度
50 5
200 500 800
200 500 800
2,000 5,000 8,000


拍品估价:800 - 1,000 欧元 起拍价格:700 欧元  买家佣金: 32.80% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


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