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AN ANTIQUE GERMAN TWO PIECE BACK VIOLIN with scrolling terminal. 58 cm long. Provenance: Notes on The Violin?s Known History from the family The violin came into our family in 1840 and was bought in Paris by my great grandfather William Evans for his
英国 北京时间
2021年11月29日 开拍 / 2021年11月27日 截止委托
AN ANTIQUE GERMAN TWO PIECE BACK VIOLIN with scrolling terminal. 58 cm long. Provenance: Notes on The Violin?s Known History from the family The violin came into our family in 1840 and was bought in Paris by my great grandfather William Evans for his wife Sarah. They had 10 children and were involved in the uprising in Paris in 1871. The gates of the city are closing. Napoleon III has surrendered and abdicates as Paris revolts ? the streets are on fire, mayhem reigns. Paris is besieged by the Prussians. Wilhelm I of Prussia is proclaimed Emperor of Federal Germany at Versailles at a great cost, a loss of 20,000 lives was recorded. Our family have got out just in time?everything they own has had to be left behind. All they have is a little money, what they were wearing and a few bundles of clothes. That is apart from one very precious possession, a violin? They fled to England and became refugees along with many others. During the chaotic journey across France, then a traumatic voyage across the channel to Liverpool, their youngest child died? ?the violin survived Sarah was widowed a short while after they arrived in England, William being 24 years older than his wife had never really recovered from the ignominy of their flight from France. Sarah was left with 9 children, all were musical, she was able to eke out a living sewing, entertaining, then by forming her children into a musical troupe ? cello, piano, violin and singing at the then popular ?At Homes?. Years pass? The violin is now owned by Annie, William and Sarah?s daughter. She meets and marries a strong Yorkshire man Alan. It?s the time of the ?Palaces of Variety?, the music halls. When Annie and Alan were courting and during the early years of their marriage, to supplement their income and for the fun of it, they became entertainers. Annie on violin, and Alan on an old upright piano with wheels attached to one end and long handles at the other enabling it to be pushed from theatre to theatre ? perfect! Later when the silent films made their appearance, they would accompany the action or romance depicted on the silver screen. Alan fought in the Boar War, Annie at home back in England reared their two children, a son Earnest and daughter Winifred (my mother). Eventually Annie passed the violin onto Winifred. Winifred played the violin continually throughout her long life. She was in ENSA during world war 2 and travelled extensively across the world. She independently spent a season in Gibraltar also learning to play the castanets, worked on the backing music for George Formby?s film on the Isle of Man TT races, was approached by Ivy Benson to join her orchestra but an opportunity came along to be part of Sir John Barbirolli?s new Halle, all women musicians. She was successful and enjoyed two years with the ?Halle? based in Manchester. Time passes, the war ends, her fledgling marriage had failed, she had lost a child. Now living with her parents in Southport life was good but she longed for a child of her own and eventually was able to adopt a daughter (me) and 18 months later another little girl. Sadly, her mother Annie passed away in 1947. What now? Along with her father Alan and her two little daughters they took the opportunity to emigrate to New Zealand and make a fresh start. During the voyage Winifred met and eventually married a bachelor Frances Price, ?Frank?, and together they were to travel the world once the family had grown and Alan had passed away. But their years in New Zealand were filled. Winifred along with a pianist friend as accompanist would broadcast for the local radio station and teach. In later years she and Frank took a job as caretakers in the outback of Australia on a ranch. The violin didn?t like the heat. Winifred lived for 92 years she was a remarkable woman. As her daughter I feel that my mother?s beloved violin is now my responsibility and must be saved from oblivion if possible. When played it has a beautiful tone?


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