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A Ty Cobb Hand Written and Signed Two-Page Letter Dated April 10, 1959 With Apology and Extraordinary Personal Content (BAS Beckett Authentication Services Certified),
伊利诺伊 北京时间
2021年10月26日 开拍 / 2021年10月24日 截止委托
A Ty Cobb Hand Written and Signed Two-Page Letter Dated April 10, 1959 With Apology and Extraordinary Personal Content (BAS Beckett Authentication Services Certified), Ty Cobb is remembered for his excellence in baseball and vital personal character. Many stories exist that tell of him going through life with violence and hostility, though many are disputed. In addition to these accounts, Cobb is remembered for his benevolent acts which included his founding both a hospital and founding a college tuition fund. Despite his reputation, the genuine attention Cobb gave to his friends and fans is evident in his many personal letters that exist today. This particular letter, written on April 10, 1959, is in response to a fans request for an autograph. Cobb detailed the dire health situation he was in at the time that prevented his immediate response. In the latter part of his life, Cobb struggled with diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and alcoholism. According to the letter, Cobb had been dealing with these issues for two years before he received medical attention. Just under two years later, on July 17, 1961, Cobb would die. Even in the face of deteriorating health, Cobb was dedicated to those who appreciated his career. Offered here is a letter hand-written by Cobb on his official letterhead in customary green ink The letter and signature have been reviewed and certified authentic by Beckett Authentication Services. April 4, 1959 Dear Mr. McDermott - I appreciate always any request of autograph, etc. I consider it an honor that one should desire, the delay in my returning the enclosures to you sooner, one would have a right to feel I was undependable, careless or ignoring etc. I have been ailing for two years a gradual loss of strength + discontinuing in this my case, all exercise which was foreign to my usual practice. I since last August have lost quite a lot, not in weight, but weak, dizzy spells, unsafe on my feet, not hospitalized as should have been for certain findings, I was under impression it was from a case of flu and the new drugs which I was allergic to this stage for several months fooled me. My house at Lake Tahoe Nevada, 7000 ft altitude, started breathing difficulties, came here 1500 ft. that cleared up, but continued weakness, went to fine doctor, put me in hospital for diet and numerous tests, blood sugar 280, dangerous, put me on insulin, responded at once, every day better, released from hospital Sunday last, feel better than in two years etc. Pardon such details but I feel you deserve to know why the delay in returning yours, plus accumulation of mail and moving here just a few minutes ago. My housekeeper searching old mail, brought to me yours and as you see am answering now at once. Hope all forgiven. Kindest regards, I am Sincerely, Ty Cobb Framed. 37 1/2 x 27 inches.
condition:For condition inquiries please contact bentonludgin@hindmanauctions.com.


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