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TOSA SCHOOL A Set of 12 Miniature Album Leaves Depicting Scenes from Chapters 11 through 22 of Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji)Momoyama period (1573-1615), circa 1600 (12)
纽约 北京时间
2021年09月22日 开拍 / 2021年09月20日 截止委托
Property of various owners TOSA SCHOOL A Set of 12 Miniature Album Leaves Depicting Scenes from Chapters 11 through 22 of Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji)Momoyama period (1573-1615), circa 1600Ink, colors, and gold on paper mounted on card Each approximately 5 7/8 x 5 7/8in (15 x 15cm) (12). 注脚 These richly colored, meticulously painted, and subtly characterized small album leaves form an unbroken sequence of illustrations to Chapters 11 through 22 of Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji), composed during the early eleventh century by the court lady Murasaki Shikibu and widely regarded as the greatest work of Japanese literature and the world's first novel. As demonstrated by the panoramic exhibition "The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated," held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2019 and featuring numerous masterpieces of Genji-related art, the Tale has occupied a central position in Japanese culture for a millennium, rising to a mid-term peak during the during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when painters of the Tosa school played a leading role in the production of small-scale Genji illustrations, using mineral pigments and gold in the Japanese tradition combined with ink-line details derived from Chinese painting.As noted by Professor Melissa McCormick in a catalogue essay for the exhibition, following the death of Tosa Mitsumoto in battle in 1569, leadership of the school passed to his pupil Tosa Mitsuyoshi (1539-1613). The present unsigned 12 leaves invite comparison with others by or attributed to Mitsuyoshi in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harvard University Art Museums, the Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, and Kyoto National Museum, suggesting that they were most likely painted in the late sixteenth or the very early seventeenth century (see Carpenter and McCormick, pp.166-167, and cat. nos.12, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43; Akiyama and Taguchi, plates 54 and 88).The chapters illustrated in this lot depict events in the life of the fictional nobleman often known as Hikaru Genji ("The Shining Genji") from his twenty-fifth to his thirty-fifth year, covering his exile to Suma on the sea coast, his release and triumphal return by way of the Sumiyoshi Shrine, the early years of his steady rise to a position of great eminence at court and his relations with several of his most prominent lovers, past and present, including (to use names adopted for the Seidensticker translation cited here) Hanachirusato, the Akashi Lady, Suetsumuhana, and Utsusemi. The chapters may be identified as follows (full references are given at the end):Chapter 11: Hanachirusato: Genji visits the Reikeiden Lady, consort of his recently deceased father, the Kiritsubo Emperor. They exchange verses about the scent of the tachibana (mandarin orange blossom) and the cry of the hototogisu (cuckoo), seen at top left. Murasaki, pp.216-217 (with woodblock illustration); Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 45 (p.67); Carpenter and McCormick, p.334.Chapter 12: Suma: Genji, in exile at Suma, admires a cherry tree he had planted there on his arrival the year before. Murasaki, p.243; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 46 (p.68); Carpenter and McCormick, cat. no.32a (p.159).Chapter 13: Akashi: Genji, on horseback, travels along the coast by moonlight for a first romantic encounter with the Akashi Lady. Murasaki, p.281; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 54 (p.74); Carpenter and McCormick, cat. no.24 (p.141) and p.335.Chapter 14: Miotsukushi: Genji visits the Sumiyoshi Shrine to offer thanks for his safe return from exile at Suma: "He had been granted a special honor guard of page boys . . . all very pretty, of uniform height, and resplendently decked out." The Akashi Lady, who has born Genji's child, is humbled by the sight. Murasaki, pp.261-262 (with woodblock illustration); Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 59 (p.78); Carpenter and McCormick, cat. nos. 35 (168) and 53 (p.210) and p.335.Chapter 15: Yomogiu : After his return to Kyoto, Genji and his servant Koremitsu make their way on a moonlit night through the dew-soaked garden of Suetsumuhana's run-down villa. Murasaki, pp.299-300 (with woodblock illustration); Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 64 (pp.82-83); Carpenter and McCormick, p.334.Chapter 16: Sekiya: Genji's entourage passes by a party including Utsusemi, a former lover. Murasaki, pp.303-304; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 66 (p.84).Chapter 17: E-awase: Genji, To no Chujo, Akinonomu, and Kokiden take out old paintings and illustrations from romances. Murasaki, pp.310-311; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 69 (p.87); Carpenter and McCormick, fig. 37 (p.71).Chapter 18: Matsukaze: Genji pays a visit to the Akashi Lady at a villa he has built for her in Katsura, but is disturbed by other courtiers who discover his whereabouts; revels ensue and falconers bring small birds tied to grasses. Murasaki, pp.325-329; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 73 (p.90); Carpenter and McCormick, p.335.Chapter 19: Usugumo: Genji arrives at Katsura to take the Akashi Lady's infant daughter to be brought up by a foster mother. Murasaki, pp.332-335 (woodblock illustration on p.335); Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 75 (p.92); Carpenter and McCormick, cat. no.13 (p.113).Chapter 20: Asagao: Genji sends maidservants into the garden to make a snowball at the residence of the Fifth Princess. Murasaki, p.357 (woodblock illustration on p.358); Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 80 (p.97); Carpenter and McCormick, fig. 28 (p.59).Chapter 21: Otome: "On an evening when a gentle wind was blowing [Akikonomu] arranged leaves and flowers on the lid of an ornamental box and sent them over to Murasaki." Murasaki, p.386; Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 84 (p.101).Chapter 22: Tamakazura: Ukon and her retinue discover Tamakazura's hiding place at Hatsuse. Akiyama and Taguchi, plate 85 (p.114).ReferencesAkiyama Ken and Taguchi Eiichi, Goka 'Genji-e' no sekai: Genji monogatari (The Glorious World of Genji Painting: The Tale of Genji). Tokyo: Gakushu Kenkyusha, 1999.John T. Carpenter and Melissa McCormick, The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated (exh. cat.). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March 5-June 16, 2019.Murasaki Shikibu (Edward Seidensticker trans.), The Tale of Genji. London: Secker and Warburg, 1976. (12)


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