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Attributed to Zhao Chang
伊利诺伊 北京时间
2021年09月23日 开拍
? (Possibly Northern Song Dynasty, 959-1016) Peonies and Quails ink and color on silk, framed signed, inscribed by Ke Jiusi and dated year Yimao (1315), one artist seal, Zhao Chang, fifteen collectors seals. note: For a similar example, please refer to National Palace Museum, 故-畫-000051-00000, Peonies by Chao Chang. 趙昌(款) (或爲北宋,959-1016) 牡丹鹌鹑图 绢本设色,鏡框 款識:趙昌。洛陽春雨濕芳菲,萬斛胭脂染舞衣。 帳底金盤承蜜露,錦襟斑羽不須飛。至元后乙卯嵗(1315)三月,奎章閣學士院鑒書博士柯九思題。 鈐印:趙昌(朱) 鋻藏印: 宋徽宗:宣和(朱)、宣(朱)、龢(朱)、内府图书之印(朱) 柯九思:柯氏敬仲(朱)、云容(白) 乾隆帝:石渠寳笈(朱)、乾隆御览之宝(朱)、德充符(朱,騎縫印) 項元汴:天籟閣(朱)、項子京家珍藏(朱) 蔣諤士:青霜館珍藏印(朱) 另三漫漶不清 注:參見臺北國立故宮博物院藏《宋趙昌畫牡丹軸》,作品號:故-畫-000051-00000 Alexandra Emery Moore, an adventurous creative with an unimpeachable eye, was the first-born daughter to John Josiah Emery and Lela Amelia, a prominent family with ties to New York and Cincinnati. Among her relatives include Audrey Emery, a socialite who married on of the last Russian Grand Dukes, and John J. Emery, a great patron of the Cincinnati Art Museum. In her youth, she debuted in both London and New York, and journeyed to China with a friend, which instilled within her a deep passion for travel. Indeed, her acceptance of a marriage proposal from Benjamin Moore was contingent upon receipt of a ring and promise of a honeymoon in China. Mr. Moore hailed from an old New York family—“A Visit from St. Nicholas” was penned by a forebear on their family farm, Chelsea, now the vibrant neighborhood in Manhattan by the same name—and trained as a lawyer at Harvard. Nevertheless, after his marriage, his new bride requested that he forgo working in favor of accompanying her on adventures across the world. While on their honeymoon, the young couple was entranced by the views as they floated along their houseboat tour through the Yangtze River, and were particularly drawn to a stark white house under a black roof reflected in the water. Upon their return to the United States, they purchased 100 acres of land in Oyster Bay in Long Island, and founded the associated nearby village of Muttontown, of which Mr. Moore became the first mayor. Drawing inspiration from the architecture she saw during her travels in China, the young Mrs. Moore collaborated with renowned architect William Adams Delano (of Delano & Aldrich) to construct an estate on the land combining Chinese and French Renaissance styles. The house, fittingly named “Chelsea” included an undulating roof, internal court, moon gate, and a moat, and was furnished with her purchases from around the world. Her first trips to China, during which time she likely purchased the large Peonies and Quails and elaborate floor screen to adorn her home, were foundational in shaping her taste and aesthetic throughout her life. Moore granted the estate and mansion to Nassau county upon her passing, and the property from her collection has been gifted to various institutions or remained in the family to the present. 莫氏夫婦是辛辛那提美術館的主要捐贈人。這是一個來自紐約的老錢家族,僅在曼哈頓就擁有整片切爾西區的土地。男主人班傑明的曾祖父是美國聖公會的第二任主教(美國開國元勛之一漢密爾頓臨終時即由他受聖餐),祖父是著名詩人,著有《聖誕前夜》,是美國家喻戶曉、人人會背的名詩篇。1920年嫁入的女主人艾麗珊(1894-1983)同樣出身顯赫,而且酷愛旅行,尤其對遠東的風光山色難以忘懷。據説她接受求婚時唯一的條件是“帶我再去中國”。 不難理解爲什麽百年前的中國這樣吸引美國客——北平的古舊、廣州的繁華、上海的摩登。艾麗珊短暫一行,帶回一生夢縈——她在長島的黃金海岸上建起一座東方式行宮,小橋流水涼亭。此後的幾十年,源源不斷從遠東運來傢俬,點綴豪宅内外。晚年艾麗珊將這所官邸連帶周圍的百餘畝土地贈與長島政府,宅中藝術品大部分捐給辛辛那提美術館,小部分留給後人。本次上拍的北宋趙昌款《牡丹圖》軸以及晚明黑漆螺鈿屏風十二扇,即來自艾麗珊的孫輩。 Visible: 73 3/4 x 45 in., 187.5 x 114.3 cm. Property from the Estate of Alexandra Emery Moore, Cincinnati, Ohio
condition:In overall good condition, free of signs of major repair or restoration, with some creasing and tears throughout. Presently stabilized as is laid on board within the frame, which entails wrapping of top portion of silk and inscription over top and mounted to verso. Additional images available upon request. Please contact Asian@HindmanAuctions.com for a complete condition report. Please contact Asian@HindmanAuctions.com for a complete condition report.


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拍品估价:30,000 - 50,000 美元 起拍价格:15,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


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