谢兰生(1760-1831),字佩士,号里甫,别号理道人,广东南海人,寓广州。嘉庆七年进士,迭主粤秀、越华、端溪讲席,后为羊城书院掌教。阮元重修广东通志延为总纂。 请各位买家于拍卖前自行检查拍品的保存状态,并对您的竞买行为负责。图录中未说明的拍品保存状态,并不表示此件拍品没有缺陷或瑕疵。如有需要请向工作人员索取状态报告。We advise all buyers to carefully examine the condition of the auction lots before the auction and before bidding. If lot condition factors are not accounted for in the catalogue that does not mean the piece is without flaw. If you need further information about a lot please consult with one of the employees on hand at auction or preview for the complete condition report.