董诰(1740-1818),字雅伦,号蔗林,浙江富阳人。董邦达长子,与其父有『大小董』之称,乾隆二十九年进士,授翰林院庶吉士。以善画受高宗知,历任内阁学士,擢公、户、吏、刑部侍郎,充四库馆副总裁。累官至东阁大学士、太子太傅,直军机先后四十年。 请各位买家于拍卖前自行检查拍品的保存状态,并对您的竞买行为负责。图录中未说明的拍品保存状态,并不表示此件拍品没有缺陷或瑕疵。如有需要请向工作人员索取状态报告。We advise all buyers to carefully examine the condition of the auction lots before the auction and before bidding. If lot condition factors are not accounted for in the catalogue that does not mean the piece is without flaw. If you need further information about a lot please consult with one of the employees on hand at auction or preview for the complete condition report.