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Chen Hongshou (1768-1822) Calligraphy Couplet in Li Script (2)
纽约 北京时间
2021年03月15日 开拍 / 2021年03月13日 截止委托
PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF MICHAEL GALLIS Chen Hongshou (1768-1822) Calligraphy Couplet in Li ScriptA pair of hanging scrolls, ink on paper, signed Chen Hongshou with two artist's seals A Man and Chen Hongshou yin. 48 1/2 x 11 1/4in (123.3 x 28.5cm), each (2). 注脚 陳鴻壽 隸書六言聯 水墨紙本 立軸一對PROVENANCEShanghai International Commodity Auction Co., Ltd., June 2000PUBLISHEDGallis, Michael and Ma Xinle, Michael Gallis Collection of Chinese Paintings Maike Gailesi Zhongguo hua shoucang: yige Xifang xuezhe de Zhonghua wenhua zhilu?, Tianjin Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 2019, pp.104-105來源上海國際商品拍賣有限公司,2000年6月出版馬欣樂主編,《邁克·蓋勒斯中國畫收藏:一個西方學者的中華文化之旅》,天津人民美術出版社,2019年,頁104-105A man of many talents, Chen Hongshou was a highly regarded painter, calligrapher and seal carver. As magistrate of the region that included Yixing, he is credited with reviving the clay teapot industry with both his creative input and by securing government funds to support the craft. The present couplet features his interpretation of Han dynasty clerical script calligraphy, particularly stone inscriptions. C.C. Wang felt that the 18th century was a creative period for calligraphy, and Michael Gallis recalls that Mr. Wang especially admired the work of Chen Hongshou. In this couplet, C.C. Wang commented to Mr. Gallis that he thought Chen Hongshou achieved an exceptional degree of uniqueness and expressiveness that characterized the best of his calligraphy.MICHAEL GALLIS COLLECTION OF CHINESE PAINTINGSWhen Michael Gallis first encountered paintings by Qi Baishi (齊白石, 1864-1957)—at an exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery in London in the 1960's—he was left perplexed as to why this artist, and indeed the Chinese paintings tradition—was so revered. This was especially surprising as his family had had close ties to China for two generations. Soon after Mr. Gallis returned to his native San Francisco, he met the well-established scholar and dealer Tsao Jungying (曹仲英, 1929-2011), who was particularly fond of and knowledgeable about Qi Baishi's work. Mr. Tsao's insightful explanation of Qi's artistic goals and painting style opened a new world to Mr. Gallis, who then made his first purchase and launched his collection of Chinese paintings.So began Michael Gallis's lifelong study, acquisition, and enjoyment of Chinese traditional paintings, ranging from the classical period to contemporary. In addition to Mr. Tsao, Mr. Gallis benefited from several exceptional teachers. Most influential was the renowned artist, collector, and connoisseur C.C. Wang (王己千, 1907-2003). For 25 years, Mr. Gallis spent countless hours looking at and discussing the history of Chinese paintings, as well as the culture in which they were embedded, with Mr. Wang, assisted by the latter's superb art collection, library, and knowledge. Over time and drawing on traditional scholarship, Mr. Wang revealed what was distinctive about the work of each artist, who was important and why, and how to judge genuine works from fakes. In addition to C.C. Wang, Michael Gallis also benefitted from the expertise of countless other artists and scholars, including Zhang Daqian (張大千, 1899-1983), Chen Peiqiu (陳佩秋, 1922-2020), and Ma Xinle (馬欣樂, born 1963), to name just a very few. Michael Gallis is an architect and urban planner by profession. Yet, he credits his experience of opening his mind to the philosophy and aesthetics of Chinese paintings with expanding all aspects of his thinking and life. A natural teacher, in recent years, Mr. Gallis has sought with determination to promote understanding between peoples of different cultures and uses his collection as an eloquent and appealing doorway.Chinese paintings from the Michael Gallis collection have been featured in exhibitions at the Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina; The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts; the Noguchi Museum in New York; and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, California. In 2019 the collection was published by Tianjin Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, Michael Gallis Collection of Chinese Paintings《邁克·蓋勒斯中國畫收藏:一個西方學者的中華文化之旅》. An exhibition is currently being prepared at the Mint Museum in North Carolina for the paintings and calligraphy in the collection not offered here.邁克·蓋勒斯珍藏中國書畫邁克·蓋勒斯與中國畫的首次相遇是在上世紀六十年代。當時,著名的倫敦格羅夫納畫廊(Grosvenor Gallery)正在舉辦一場包括齊白石作品在內的展覽。儘管邁克的家族長輩們曾在中國經商,對中國文化亦有接觸了解,但是,當他第一次看見齊白石的作品時,邁克卻無法明白為什麼畫家齊白石的作品那麼受中國人的喜愛。此後不久,邁克回到了舊金山。機遇偶然,他得以與住在灣區的中國藝術收藏鑑賞家曹仲英(1929-2011)相識。邁克此後經常登門拜訪,向曹仲英學習鑑賞中國畫。而曹仲英對中國藝術及齊白石作品透徹的講解,為邁克進入到欣賞中國畫的世界打開了一扇窗戶,兩人從此成為師友。不久,邁克從曹仲英處購買了他的第一幅中國畫 ,正式步入了其長達五十餘年的中國畫收藏之路。邁克對古代與近現代中國畫都非常感興趣。在學習鑑賞中國畫的路上,他不僅受到曹仲英的指導,還結識了多位重量級的中國畫收藏家和藝術家,如王己千(1907-2003)、張大千(1899-1983)、陳佩秋 (1992-2020)、馬欣樂等。其中,邁克跟隨王己千學習鑑賞中國畫二十五載,深入了解每位畫家的風格特點、藝術成就及在藝術史上的地位。廣泛的學習無疑為邁克的收藏奠定了堅實的知識儲備。作為一名建築師和景觀設計師,邁克認為他從中國繪畫中領悟到的哲學及美學影響了他對人生方方面面的理解。近年來,邁克積極投身於各類文化交流活動,並希望能借助他的收藏來推進不同文化間的相互理解。邁克·蓋勒斯收藏的中國繪畫曾多次在美國各美術館展出,如北卡羅萊納州的鑄幣局博物館 (Mint Museum)、麻省塞勒姆的皮博迪·埃塞克斯博物館、舊金山的亞洲藝術博物館等。2019年,由馬欣樂主編,將其收藏的中國書畫匯集並出版為《邁克·蓋勒斯中國畫收藏:一個西方學者的中華文化之旅》一書。目前,鑄幣局博物館正在籌備一場邁克·蓋勒斯收藏中國繪畫及書法展。


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拍品估价:12,000 - 18,000 美元 起拍价格:12,000 美元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 175,000 25.00%
175,000 - 3,000,000 20.00%
3,000,000 - 以上 12.50%


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