清 青玉大象 Qing Dynasty period. The animal is carved standing foursquare with its head turned to one side, its long facial features and rippled skin well defined. The stone is of greenish celadon tone with some small russet inclusions. Height: 5 in (12.7 cm) Length: 6 in (15.2 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 青玉圓雕制成,玉質溫潤細膩,象身龐大,體態肥碩,回首側望,四足立地,身上線條洗煉渾厚,凹凸圓潤,彰顯出肌肉的力度,象尾向左微微彎曲,神情溫馴,極其憨厚迷人。整體圓鏤淺刻運用嫻熟,造型雍容端莊,曲線婉轉流暢。大象壽命長久,可達兩百多年,歷來被視為瑞獸,寓意美好,象征長壽安康之意。