漢或以後 白玉龍鈕璽一對 配清代黃花梨盒 Han Dynasty or later. Comprising of two white jade seals in oval and circular section, each surmounted with a seated mythical dragon as finial, one with seal face carved with four characters, the other with two characters, accompanied with fitted Qing Dynasty period huanghuali box and cover. Length: 1 5/8 in (4.0 cm) 印章為白玉質,質地溫潤無暇,膩如脂膏,印鈕為一異獸,獸呈臥狀,四肢粗壯,彰顯出強大力量。獸首高昂,雙目圓睜凝視,樸茂威嚴,是不可多得之精品,成對保存完整,且原配黃花梨盒猶在,非常難得。