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Johann Franz de Backer (Netherlands, c. 1680 - Poland, c. 1750)
捷克 北京时间
2020年12月07日 开拍 / 2020年09月28日 截止委托
Title: Moses Striking the Rock Date: year 1717 Technique: oil on canvas On the reverse: inscription J. F. de B?cker 1717 Painting dimensions: 185 × 260 cm Dimensions with frame: 195 × 270 cm Provenance: from a European private collection Expert report: Ing. Lenka Zamrazilova, materials research, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague Text from the expert report of the National Gallery in Prague: Dr. Phil. Marius WINZELER, director of the collection of old art This oilpainting impresses with its monumentality and generous treatment of the Old Testament theme (according to the book of Exodus 17: 1–16). This theme has been very popular since the Renaissance, it has been artistically processed by a number of leading painters - such as Primaticcio, Tintorretto, Nicolas Poussin, Gillis Mostaert, Abraham Bloemaert and many others. The Old Testament theme was often chosen because of the dramatic moment (a miraculous splash of water saved the Israelites from dying in the desert on their way out of Egypt). At the same time, this Old Testament theme offers a typological foreshadowing of the sacrament of Baptism. The assessed image is exceptional both in its format and in the faithful transcription of the Old Testament story. The stylistic expression bears a number of comparisons with the works of Johann Franz de Backer (circa 1680 – circa 1750) and contains all the features of the High Baroque style. The core of the observed event is the miracle of Moses, when a blow of a stick caused a spring of water from the rock, which is spiring down on the rock cascades. The raised arms of the main actors simultaneously divide the composition into several parts. The use of red draperies in the characters that frame the central scene is also a significantly dynamizing element, so the viewer's attention is directed by the artistic means to the essence of the communicated scene. The painting depicts an important Old Testament scene, the theme of which is absolutely unique in Central European painting in the first quarter of the 18th century and, as far as we know, has no parallels. The painting is a proof of interest in Old Testament iconography at a time when other sacral themes came to the fore. The importance is also enhanced by the fact that it is the work of a painter who was active in the territory of Czech state. The work is not only an important contribution to the knowledge of the work of Johann Franz de Backer, especially its early dating (1717), but also complements and expands the ideas about the diversity of Baroque painting in Bohemia and their representatives. Most likely, the work presented here was until 1777 part of the famous Cernin picture gallery in Prague in Hradcany, in the so-called Small Gallery and is listed in the inventory under No. 416: Ein Gross Stuckh Moyses schlagt auss dem Felsen Wasser gantzer figur, original by Francisco de Backer. After the death of Prokop Vojtech Cernin in 1777, this picture gallery was sold in auction sale to the whole of Europe and only a small part of the paintings was identified. We would like to thank for determining the authorship of this work to the National Gallery in Prague and the National Monuments Institute. Exhibited: REDISCOVERED MASTERPIECES from private collections, from 21 November to 30 November 2019, exhibition space Galerie Zlata husa, Dlouha 12, Prague 1, the exhibition was organized by the company Starozitnosti-Galerie USTAR in cooperation with company Art collections URBAN, the painting is reproduced in catalog on pages 142 and 143.


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拍品估价:220,000 - 250,000 欧元 起拍价格:175,000 欧元  买家佣金: 25.00% 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


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