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白玉雕帶皮花卉雙瓶 The white jade carving depicts a bottle vase situated next to a larger lidless vase carved similar to flowers, vines, and tree trunk, with the russet cleverly carved as flowers, additional small container in the front, the opening carved with additional bats. The stone is of beautiful and smooth white with cloudy texture and good translucency. Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Length: 5 in (12.7 cm) 此瓶玉質溫婉潤澤,凝白若脂;溫潤細膩,質地上等,皮色巧作葉片葉瓣點綴,採用圓雕、透雕技法,雕琢大小錯落,惟妙惟肖,生趣盎然,依形而就,琢成花插口,造型生動,極為寫實,精妙絕佳。雙瓶聯體,雕工精細巧妙,匠心獨運。可見此藏品既可如意進福,亦成可為文房精緻雅玩,是為難得。