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大明泓治年間雲龍紋黃釉馬蹄碗 The yellow glazed bowl is of sharp tapering form with evert rim, incised on the exterior with flying dragons amidst clouds above lappet band, all against bright yellow ground, botto bears six character HONGZHI reign mark. On the bottom affixed with Sotheby's New York stickers. Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 碗敞口,碗壁微外撇,圈足,形倒置的馬蹄。黃釉是皇家控製最嚴格的一種釉色。“黃”與“皇”同音,因而黃色也成爲皇家至尊之色,明清兩代黃釉瓷器只有皇家才能使用。器型飽滿莊重,品格不俗;底書“大明弘治年製”楷書款,尤顯珍貴。