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白玉觀音 The white jade carved figure depicts Guanyin standing near stones holding lingzhi ruyi fungus in hand, wearing long flowing robe, eyes downcast in serene expression, the jade is of greyish-white color tone with translucency and mottled interior, set on pierce carved wooden stand. Height: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Width: 3 in (7.6 cm) 本品玉質溫潤細膩,取整料雕琢而成,器形厚重,體量較大。頭梳髮髻,用簡潔有力的曲線表現出頭髮。觀音整體造型生動傳神,端莊穩重,氣氛甯謐安和,衣著華美飄逸,雕刻規矩精緻,刀法幹練嫺熟,處處突出觀音肅穆端莊之氣,殊為不易。