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Chinese Porcelain Bowl Song Dynasty
加拿大 北京时间
2020年07月14日 开拍
Finely Chinese Porcelain Bowl Song Dynasty Jizhou kiln blue spots paper-cut decals: 宋代(960-1279) 吉州窑天目蓝斑剪纸贴花盏:拍品尺寸:口径:16.6cm. 高:6.6cm. 拍品来源:日本裔收藏家 家族珍藏品: 此碗,撇口,浅腹,小圈足。器内,器外壁满施黑釉,非常珍贵之处在于器盏内,器壁的黑釉,已经经窑火烧造为蔚蓝色的窑变釉色,犹如盛开的朵朵梅花,发色沉稳,美丽!这就是“吉州蓝”,一大块绚丽的蓝斑,非常漂亮,类似于著名的建窑“ 曜变天目”之色斑。并且,碗的内壁,设计有 剪纸贴花的三个凤鸟,各个活灵活现,深动形象,环绕着碗心的剪纸梅花盘旋,飞舞。此碗外壁更具特色,经窑火烧造,也呈现出特别的星点状的蓝斑,蓝-褐色天目纹理的色块,在黑釉底色的衬托下醒目,绚丽。器物口沿边同样地呈现出一圈细小的蓝斑纹理,令人珍爱有加 。此碗碗形沉稳庄重,整器造型线条完美,比例合宜,协调美观,堪称宋吉州窑名品。 参考资料:1. 标题:吉州也有“曜变天目”?2017-06-06 16:16 参考网址:http://www.sohu.com/a/146497247_528935 前段时间,微博上一位网红摄影师叫“动脉影”,他呢贴出了一张照片,芝加哥艺术馆藏的一件吉州窑的剪纸贴花盏,这个盏非常特殊,引起了大家的广泛关注。从图片上我们就可以看到盏内有一大块绚丽的蓝斑,非常漂亮。 这件盏上面的蓝色物质并不是一种光斑,应该是某种特殊气氛条件下导致的一些矿物质析出,是一种窑变,在当时出窑时就已经生成了,并不是坑口环境造成的。这就牵扯到很多类似的吉州蓝斑产品,我们把这样的吉州品种称为“吉州蓝”。吉州蓝很有可能是我们忽视的一个重要品种。 吉州蓝的出现完全是因为一场美丽的意外,那么它和曜变天目之间有没有共性呢?我们该怎么思考这个品种?点击视频观看本期节目,探秘“吉州蓝”。 2. 资料:吉州窑在江西吉安,它善于学习当时定窑、磁州窑、龙泉窑、建窑、景德镇窑的艺术,又独具风格,创造出“木叶天目”、“剪纸贴花天目”等别具匠心、独一无二的名贵产品。大英博物馆大维德爵士收藏吉州窑五件吉州窑创于唐代晚期,盛于宋代,至元末终烧。吉州窑瓷器种类繁多,纹样装饰丰富多彩。按胎釉可分为青釉、黑釉、乳白釉、白釉彩绘和绿釉等类。在装饰技法上采用洒釉、剪纸、贴花、剔花、印花、彩绘、划花和堆塑等,变幻无穷,在瓷器的实用性与艺术性上得到统一。宋代瓷器赏析--吉州瓷 :江西吉安的宋代瓷器现身国家博物馆。 国家博物馆展出的200件(套)瓷器全部来自吉安市博物馆,是我国古代吉州窑陶瓷中的精品,以小碗居多,也有盘子、瓶、壶和各种动物造型。这些瓷器的色调基本以黑色 和黄褐色为主,也有少量绿色和白色的器物。吉州窑是中国古代江南地区著名的民间瓷窑,始于晚唐,发展于北宋,极盛于南宋,元以后 逐渐衰落。由于是民间窑 口,所以吉州窑烧出的瓷器被当时百姓广泛使用。这次展出的瓷器以宋朝的居多,所以不难看出,南宋时期的人们喜欢使用黑色或者黄褐色的碗和盘子,并 带有木叶纹、剪纸贴花、玳瑁斑、虎斑纹等现在看来属于抽象派的花饰。据了解,吉州窑的瓷器有个特点:平时看来釉 面不是很光滑,但一遇水马上变得色彩闪亮,釉面放光,其效果类似于雨花石。吉州窑的陶瓷中有代表性的是木叶天目盏,就是黑陶瓷 茶盏中嵌了一片树叶,这是吉州窑独创的,誉为天目中的瑰宝。木叶天目盏看上去像翻转的斗笠,黑得油光闪亮。令人称奇的是,盏内嵌着的树叶,看似突出,一摸 却又与盏底一样平。吉州窑所产木叶天目、彩绘、兔毫天目、剪纸贴花等产品,制作技艺居同时代世界领先水平。日本东京国家博物馆收藏的吉州窑木叶天目盏和玳 瑁盏,被列为国宝级文物,每年只在有限的时间内拿出来供人参观;美国波士顿美术馆收藏的黑釉加花蝶纹瓶和卷草纹加彩壶,被视作稀世珍品;在印度尼西亚雅加 达博物馆陈列的在印尼出土的中国古瓷,其中就有吉州窑的黑釉黄斑碗。参考资料:“广东省博物馆游记” 一文 : 图片:吉州窑三花天目碗 宋网址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e9490000102w2kl.html----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finely Chinese Porcelain Bowl Song Dynasty Jizhou kiln blue spots paper-cut decals. Song Dynasty (960-1279) Jizhou kiln Tian-mu blue spots paper-cut decals bowl: Lot Size: Caliber: 16.6cm. High: 6.6cm. Source of the Collection: Japanese collectors Family Collection: The bowl, skimmer, shallow belly, small circle foot. Inside, the outer wall full of black glaze, very precious lies in the lamp, the wall black glaze, has been kiln fire made of blue kiln glaze, like blossoming plum blossoms, hair calm, beautiful! This is "Jizhou Blue", a large gorgeous blue spot, very beautiful, similar to the famous Jian Yao "Yao change the sky," the color spots. And, the inner wall of the bowl, the design of the paper-cut decals of the three phoenix birds, each vivid, deep moving image around the heart of the paper-cut plum blossom hovering, flying. This bowl is more characteristic of the outer wall, the kiln fire, but also presents a special star shaped blue spot, blue - brown color texture of the day head texture, against the background of the black glaze eye-catching, brilliant. Like the mouth along the edge of the object presents a small circle of blue spot texture, it is cherished. Bowl calm shape of this bowl, the perfect shape of the whole line, the proportion of appropriate, beautiful and coordinated, Can be called Song Jizhou kiln famous. Reference: 1. Title: Jizhou also have "Yohen Tenmoku"? 2017-06-06 16:16 Reference website: http://www.sohu.com/a/146497247_528935 Some time ago, a red net photographer microblogging called "arterial shadow", he did post a photo, a collection of art galleries in Chicago Jijia kiln paper-cut decal, this light is very special, aroused everyone's extensive attention. From the picture we can see the light inside a large blue gorgeous spot, very beautiful. The blue material above this light is not a light spot, it should be some special atmospheric conditions led to the precipitation of some minerals, is a kiln change, was out of the kiln was already generated, not caused by the Hang Hau environment . This involves a lot of similar Jizhou blue spot products, we call this Jizhou variety "Jizhou blue." Jizhou blue is likely to be an important species we ignore. The emergence of Jizhou blue is entirely due to a beautiful accident, then it has changed between blind and common there? How do we think about this species? Click the video to watch the current program, Quest "Jizhou blue." 2. Information: The Jizhou kiln is located in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province. It is good at learning the art of the Ding kiln, Cizhou kiln, Longquan kiln, Jian kiln and Jingdezhen kiln at that time. Unique ingenuity, unique luxury products. British Museum Davis Jazz Collection Jizhou kiln five pieces of Jizhou kiln was founded in the late Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song Dynasty, the end of Yuan Dynasty end burn. Jizhou kiln porcelain variety, pattern decoration rich and colorful. According to fetal glaze can be divided into green glaze, black glaze, milk white glaze, white glaze painting and green glaze and other categories. In decorative techniques using sprinkle glaze, paper cutting, decals, tick flowers, printing, painting, drawing flowers and plastic, etc., infinitely changing, in porcelain practicality and artistic unity. Appreciation of Song Dynasty Porcelain - Jizhou: Jiangxi Song Dynasty porcelain came out of the National Museum. The 200 pieces of porcelain exhibited by the National Museum all come from the Museum of Ji'an City. They are the finest products in the ancient ceramics of Jizhou kiln in China. They are mainly made of small bowls, and also have plates, bottles, pots and various animal shapes. The tone of these porcelains is mainly black and tan, and a small amount of green and white utensils. Jizhou kiln is a famous folk porcelain kiln in the ancient Jiangnan region of China. It began in the late Tang Dynasty and developed in the Northern Song Dynasty. It flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty and gradually declined after the Yuan Dynasty. Because it is a folk kiln, so porcelain kiln burning kiln was widely used by people at that time. It is not difficult to see that the people in the Southern Song Dynasty liked to use black or tan dishes and plates with wooden patterns, paper-cut appliques, tortoise patches, tiger stripes, etc. Now it seems Abstract floral ornaments. It is understood that the porcelain kiln Jizhou has a characteristic: usually glazed is not very smooth, but once the water becomes shiny color, glazed light, the effect is similar to the stone. Jizhou ceramic kiln is representative of the wood is the day head lamp, is black ceramic tea lamp embedded in a leaf, which is the original Kiyokawa, known as the eyes of the treasures. Mupu days head lamp looks like a flip hats, dark shiny shiny. Amazingly, the leaves embedded in the beaks, seemingly prominently touched but flat as the bottom. Kiyokawa leaves produced by the head, painted, Rabbit days head, decal decals and other products, making skills in contemporary world-leading level. Japan Tokyo National Museum collection of the Jizhou kiln Kiyomizu Mugou and Tortoiseshell lamp, was listed as national treasure-level artifacts, each year only for a limited time out for people to visit; the United States Boston Museum of Fine Arts collection black glaze plus flower butterfly bottle and In addition, there is a yellow glaze bowl of black glaze in Jizhou kiln, which is displayed in Indonesia's Jakarta Museum. Reference: "Guangdong Provincial Museum Travels," a text: Photo: Keshan kiln head domes Song. Website: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e9490000102w2kl.html
Good condition. Age discolored, natural inclusions. 状况报告:状况良好,年久变色,


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拍品估价:15,000 - 30,000 美元 起拍价格:10,000 美元  买家佣金: 20.00% 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


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