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Three Chinese painted pottery figure of female attendant
加拿大 北京时间
2020年07月14日 开拍
One group Figurine of Guanyin and handmaid of Han and Tang dynasty statue: 一组汉-唐 观音侍女站立陶俑:尺寸:观音 高度:39.4cm. 品相完好无损。 资料:众所周知,汉朝是中国历史上继秦朝之后的又一个大一统王朝,主要分为西汉和东汉时期,一共诞生了29位皇帝,享国四百零七年,是中国历史上最强盛的时代之一。而华夏族自汉朝之后就被称为汉族,因为汉朝是中国发展历史上的第一个黄金时期,在这一时期得名,再加上汉族的文明程度较高,所以一直处于一种主导地位,而汉族作为中国主体民族的地位在千年以来始终未发生改变。今天我们通过一些汉墓中出土的陶俑,来看看纯正的汉人究竟长什么样? 陶俑的发现,使古人的姿容、风尚和习俗立体而又清晰地呈现在我们眼前,使今天的我们按捺不住好奇,去探寻古人的秘密,想象古人的风貌。出土的各时期陶俑,真实反映了各时期历史文化和艺术。展出的陶俑类别包括杂技、乐舞、侍者、文官、武士、天王、镇墓兽等,可谓数量众多,精品荟萃。 洛阳在唐代是陆上丝绸之路的起点,记者看到,本次展览就包含有部分丝路题材的胡人俑、骆驼俑等精品文物。“很多展品出自洛阳安菩墓,如镇墓兽、天王俑等。安菩是西域人,安菩墓指的是唐定远将军安菩与其妻何氏的合葬墓,是洛阳发现的为数不多的一座保存完整的古墓。”为什么陶俑中有许多胡人造型?郑州博物馆陈列部主任汤威介绍,“唐代时期丝路更加畅通,洛阳居住着大量外国人。胡人、骆驼、西域良马都是唐代匠师表现的对象。无论数量还是艺术价值,都达到了顶峰。”   洛阳出土陶俑中,唐代女俑的绰约风姿、潮流装束最引人注目。在“绝代风华”部分,记者看到,一这名叫“春花”的唐代陶俑,梳着高高的流行发髻,手挽着今天还流行的包包,可以想象盛唐经济、文化、生活的文明和开放程度。   通过陶俑雕塑,让我们仿佛回到了盛唐的年代,也感觉我们现在就是生活在唐代,时尚仍然在流行,没有改变。 汉墓有一个特点就是,在西汉前期,贵族官僚一般都把死人当成活人看待,会在人去世之后将生人所用的车马、金银珠玉佩饰、丝织衣物、铜漆器皿、食品、钱币等葬入墓中。甚至会将房屋、田地、武士、奴仆和牲畜制成模型,当成随葬品。所以也让我们得以看到汉墓中的一些陶俑,从而明白纯正的汉人究竟长什么样。 细腻的头部造型、清晰的五官轮廓,传神的面部表情,都是汉俑的一个突出特点,不再有秦俑造型呆板的感觉。 汉墓中出土的汉俑类型有裸身汉俑、击鼓说唱俑、女坐俑,还有很多陪葬俑,他们大多小而精致。就比如说汉代的裸俑,他们当初入葬的时候其实都穿有各种衣裳,但是因为年代久远,很多棉织品早已腐朽。而裸俑在出土的时候缺了双臂,但是在双臂处有孔洞,说明当时安有木制臂膀,只不过也早已腐朽,可见当初制作工艺有多么精巧!---------------------------- One group Figurine of Guanyin and handmaid of Han and Tang dynasty statue: size: Guanyin 39.4cm high. Data: as we all know, the Han dynasty is another great unified dynasty in Chinese history after the Qin dynasty, mainly divided into the western Han dynasty and the eastern Han dynasty, a total of 29 emperors were born, enjoy the country 407 years, is one of the most powerful times in Chinese history. Since the Han dynasty, the Huaxia nationality has been called the Han nationality. Because the Han dynasty was the first golden period in the history of China's development, it got its name in this period. In addition, the civilization degree of the Han nationality is higher, so it has been in a dominant position. Today we look at the terracotta figures unearthed from some Han tombs to see what the pure Han people really look like. The discovery of the terracotta figures makes the appearance, fashion and custom of the ancients appear in front of our eyes in a three-dimensional and clear way. Today, we can't help but be curious about them, to explore the secrets of the ancients and to imagine the appearance of the ancients. The terracotta figures unearthed in different periods truly reflect the history, culture and art of different periods. The categories of the terracotta figures on display include acrobatics, music and dance, waiters, civil servants, warriors, heavenly Kings and tomb guarding beasts. Luoyang in the tang dynasty is the starting point of the land silk road, the reporter saw, the exhibition contains part of the silk road theme of the terra-cotta warriors, camels and other fine cultural relics. "Many of the exhibits are from anpu tomb in Luoyang, such as tomb guarding beasts and terra-cotta warriors. Anpu is a person of the western regions, Anpu tomb refers to the tang dingyuan general anpu and his wife he's grave, is one of the few Luoyang found a complete preservation of the ancient tomb. Why are there many barbarian figures in the terracotta figures? "The silk road was more open during the tang dynasty, and Luoyang was home to a large number of foreigners," said tang Wei, director of the museum's display department. Barbarians, camels and fine horses in the western regions were all the objects of expression of craftsmen in the tang dynasty. Both in terms of quantity and artistic value, it has reached its peak. Among the unearthed terracotta figures in Luoyang, the female terracotta figures of the tang dynasty are the most eye-catching in their graceful and fashionable costumes. In the section of "unique elegance", the reporter saw the tang dynasty terracotta warrior named "spring flower", with high popular bun and fashionable bag in hand, which could imagine the economy, culture, civilization and openness of life in the flourishing tang dynasty. Through the terracotta sculpture, let us as if back to the heyday of the tang dynasty, but also feel that we are now living in the tang dynasty, fashion is still popular, no change. One of the characteristics of the Han tombs is that, in the early western Han dynasty, the noble bureaucrats generally regarded the dead as the living, and buried the horses, gold and silver beads and jade ornaments, silk clothing, copper lacquer dishes, food, COINS and other items used by the people in the tombs after their death. Houses, fields, warriors, servants and livestock were even made into models to be buried with. So it also allows us to see some of the terracotta figures in the Han tombs, so that we can understand what the pure Han people really look like. The exquisite head shape, clear facial contour and expressive facial expression are all outstanding features of the terracotta warriors, which no longer have the dull feeling of the terracotta warriors. The terracotta figures unearthed in the tomb are naked, drum-singing, seated women and many buried with them, most of which are small and delicate. For example, the naked terracotta warriors in the Han dynasty, they were all dressed in various clothes when they were buried, but many cotton products had already decayed due to the age. However, the naked figure was found without arms when unearthed, but there were holes in the arms, indicating that wooden arms were installed at that time, but they were already decayed. It can be seen that how exquisite the craftsmanship was at the beginning!
Good condition./ 状况报告:状况良好.


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