China, 18th-19th century. Carved in relief to one side with two cranes and two deer on the other, both under pine trees among rocks and flowers as well as a lingzhi, flanked by lion masks with mock ring handles. The partly translucent stone of a rich spinach-green tone with black speckles. Well-hollowed.
Provenance: Kaynes Klitz collection. Duke’s, 15th February 2007, lot 442. Anthony du Boulay, acquired from the above. Anthony du Boulay served at Chris - tie’s from 1949 to 1980, for many years as the Director of the Ceramics Depart - ment and for 13 years as the President of Christie’s, Geneva. From 1981, he served as Honorary Adviser on Ceramics to the National Trust, United Kingdom, on council of the Oriental Ceramic Society and as the Chairman of the French Porcelain Society.
Condition: Excellent condition with little wear, small nibbles to the mouth and foot, natural inclusions and superb patina.
Stopper: Coral
Weight: 93.9 g
Dimensions: Height including stopper 61 mm. Diameter neck 18 mm and mouth 8 mm.
Auction result comparison: Compare with a closely related bottle at Sotheby’s New York in Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, 17 September 2013, lot 180, sold for USD $5.000.
鼻烟壺, 碧玉壽祿鼻烟壺,清代
中國, 十八至十九世紀。浮雕一面兩隻仙鶴,另一面兩隻鹿,四周有松樹和山石以及靈芝。兩側獅首耳及雙環。局部半透明碧綠色玉有黑色斑紋。掏膛良好。
來源:Kaynes Klitz 收藏。Duke‘s拍賣,2007年2月15日,拍號442。Anthony du Boulay個人收藏。據説購於上述收藏。Anthony du Boulay 于1949-1980年間為佳士得工作,曾多年為陶瓷部主任,后又曾任13年日内瓦佳士得主席。1981年起他曾任英國陶瓷信托名譽顧問、東方陶瓷協會理事以及法國陶瓷協會主席。
品相:品相極好,輕微磨損, 唇部和足部有小劃痕,天然内沁和細膩包漿
尺寸:含蓋高61毫米,頸部尺寸:18 毫米,嘴部尺寸:8毫米
拍賣結果比較: 一件相似鼻烟壺售于2013年9月17日紐約蘇富比《中國陶瓷和工藝品》拍號180,成交價 USD $5.000。