400 沈 羹[清] 柳园闹春图 设色绢本 立轴 款识:丁巳夏日,写似翁砚先生博玩,雉臯沈羹。 钤印:沈子名羹皋(白) 字曰□(朱) 鉴藏印:□审定(朱) 出版:1. 《中国古代书画图目·六》P140,苏3-156,文物出版社,1988年。 著录:2. 《上海文物商店、苏州市博物馆、文物商店等单位书画鉴定纪录》,刘九庵手稿,1986年。 3. 《中国古代书画鉴定笔记》肆P1682,辽宁人民出版社,2015年。 4. 《刘九庵书画鉴定研究笔记》第9卷P3824,故宫出版社,2020年。 说 明:原苏州市文物商店旧藏。 SHEN GENG PLAYING IN THE SPRING GARDEN Ink and color on silk, hanging scroll Illustrated: 1. Catalogue of Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, vol. 6, p. 140, Su3-156, Cultural Relics Press, 1988 2. Authentication Record of Paintings and Calligraphy from Shanghai Antique Store, Suzhou Museum and Other Antique Stores, manuscripts of Liu Jiu’an, 1986 3. Authentication Notes on Classical Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, vol. 4, p. 1682, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 2015 4. Research Notes on Liu Ji'an's Appraisal of Calligraphy and Paintings, vol. 9, p. 3824, Palace Museum Press, 2020 Provenance: Previously collected by Suzhou Antique Store. 175×98.5 cm RMB: 600,000-800,000 作者简介:沈羹[清],字雉皋,生卒年不详。擅画人物、山水。画学唐寅、仇英,用笔工整,设色静逸。