3326 清.钱松刻青田石闲章 1849年作 印文: 元李 边款: 己酉之岁杏帘梦老丈,授以山璧,上有文曰:元李。觉而不解,因以为字焉,予揣其梦中作璧为印以赠,耐青。 出版:1. 《西泠四家印谱(附存四家).耐青印谱》,丁丙百石斋钤印本,清光绪。 2. 《铁庐印谱》,清末钤拓本。 3. 《西泠八家印选》卷四P27,丁辅之编选,民国十四年(1925)。 4. 《钱叔盖印存》P23-25,上海西泠印社潜泉印泥发行所,民国钤拓本。 5. 《听雨楼印集》,王秀仁辑,民国钤拓本。 6. 《西泠后四家印谱》P86,西泠印社出版社,1982年。 7. 《中国篆刻丛刊.钱松》P13,日本二玄社,1982年。 8. 《增补钱松印谱》P34,武汉古籍书店,1990年。 9. 《钱松印谱》P5,上海书画出版社,1992年。 10. 《钱松印谱》P32,上海书画出版社,1992年。 11. 《篆刻年历1051-1911》P523,黄尝铭编,台湾真微书屋出版,2001年。 12. 《清代浙派印风》下P59,重庆出版社,2011年。 13. 《中国篆刻聚珍.钱松、胡震》P25,浙江人民美术出版社,2017年。 QING DYNASTY A QINGTIAN STONE SEAL ENGRAVED BY QIAN SONG Dated 1849 Illustrated: 1.Seal Impressions of Xiling Society of Seal Arts Plus Four Masters.Seal Impression of Naiqing, Guangxu period, Qing Dynasty 2. Seal Impressions of Yilu, late Qing Dynasty 3. Selection of Seals by Eight Masters of Xiling Society of Seal Arts, vol. 4, p. 27, 1925 4.Seal Impressions of Qian Shugai, pp. 23-25, Republic of China period 5. Seal Impressions of Tinyulou, impressed in the Republic of China period 6. Seal Plates of Chen Yuzhong, Chen Hongshou, Zhao Zhichen and Qian Song, p. 86, Xiling Seal Engraver's Society Publishing House, 1982 7. China Seal Cutting Series: Qian Song, p. 13, Nigensha, 1982 8. Supplement to Qian Song's Seal Impressions, p. 34, Wuhan Ancient Bookstore, 1990 9. Seal Plates of Qian Song, p. 5, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 1992 10. Seal Plates of Qian Song, p. 32, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 1992 11. Chronicle of Seals 1051-1911, p. 523, Taiwan Zhenwei Bookstore Publishing House, 2001 12. Chinese Seal Cutting Styles in Different Dynasties.Zhejiang School of Qing Dynasty, vol. 2, p. 59, Chongqing Publishing House, 2011 13. Fine Chinese Seal Cuttings.Qian Song and Hu Zhen, p. 25, Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2017 2.3×1.4×5.7cm RMB: 350,000-500,000 作者简介: 钱松(1818~1860),字叔盖,号耐青,晚号西郭外史,浙江杭州人。善鼓琴,工篆、隶,精铁笔,藏古碑旧拓,皆有题跋。书笔近江贯道,山水设色苍古有金石气,亦善梅竹。晚年与杨见山、僧六舟等结社南屏。为“西泠八家”之一。