3310 清.张熊刻煨石自用印 1832年作 印文:子祥画记 边款:壬辰冬十月下旬,子祥。 边款:壬辰冬十月下旬,子祥。 出版:1.《中国书画家印鉴款识》P994,文物出版社,1987年。 2.《近现代书画名家印鉴》P35,上海书画出版社,1996年。 3.《近现代书画家款印综汇》P880,上海书画出版社,2002年。 4.《近现代名家书画品鉴》P29,上海科学技术出版社,2004年。 5.《中国鉴藏家印鉴大全》P348,江西美术出版社,2008年。 QING DYNASTY A WEI STONE SEAL ENGRAVED BY ZHANG XIONG FOR HIS PRIVATE USE Dated 1832 Illustrated: 1. Seal Impressions and Marks by Chinese Masters of Paintings and Calligraphy, p. 994, Cultural Relics Press, 1987 2. Complete Collection of Appreciation of Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, p. 35, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 1996 3. Seal Plate Collection of Modern and Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers, p. 880, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 2002 4. Appreciation of Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, p. 29, Shanghai Scientific Technology Publishing House, 2004 5. Seals and Marks of China Connoisseurs, p. 348, Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2008 1.6×1.6×3cm RMB: 20,000-30,000 作者简介:张熊(1803~1886),又名张熊祥,字寿甫,亦作寿父,号子祥,晚号祥翁,别号鸳湖外史,鸳湖老人等。秀水(今浙江嘉兴)人,富收藏,擅花卉,与任熊、朱熊合称“沪上三熊”。张熊亦工诗,著作有《题画集》《银藤花馆诗钞》。