3200 叶潞渊刻青田石高络园自用印 1971年作 印文:定思斋作 边款:络丈索刻,潞渊作字,辛亥九月。 出版:1. 《络园老人书画常用印》,原石钤拓本,1981年。 2. 《静乐簃印稿》P50,上海书画出版社,1986年。 3. 《高络园印存》P83,上海书店出版社,1993年。 4. 《近现代书画家款印综汇》P631,上海书画出版社,2002年。 5. 《中国鉴藏家印鉴大全》P884,江西美术出版社,2008年。 说明:高络园家属友情提供。 A QINGTIAN STONE SEAL ENGRAVED BY YE LUYUAN FOR GAO LUOYUAN'S PRIVATE USE Dated 1971 Illustrated: 1. The Seals Used for Gao Luoyuan's Paintings and Calligraphy, impressed in 1981 2. Seal Plate Collection of Modern and Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers, p. 50, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 1986 3. Seal Impressions of Gao Luoyuan, p. 83, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1993 4. Complete Collection of Appreciation of Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, p. 631, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House, 2002 5. Seals and Marks of China Connoisseurs, p. 884, Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2008 Provenance: Provided by Gao Luoyuan's family. 3.9×3.9×7.2cm RMB: 10,000-20,000 作者简介:叶潞渊(1907~1994),名丰,别号露园,江苏吴县人。赵叔孺弟子。工书法、善国画、精篆刻。曾参加全国第一届篆刻展,曾任四明银行经理、上海中国画院画师、西泠印社社员、上海市文史馆馆员。